Madison's Year in Photos | Central Massachusetts Family Photographer

Madison's Year in Photos | Central Massachusetts Family Photographer

I have had the pleasure to photograph this little lady as she has grown from an adorable 6-month old to the blossoming, sweet toddler she is today! It always amazes me how quickly these little babes can change and yet when you look back, there are usually aspects of their personality that have been there all along.

For instance, almost every time I photographed this beauty, she likes to hide a little bit like she's playing peek a boo with the camera!


Some other things I've learned about this sweet girl are:

Madison is interested in the world around her


She loves to show her affection


and she can not hide her joy when she is spending time with mom & dad!


So as you can see, it it so important to document your little loves as they grow up! You can learn a lot by looking through all those memories!

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A New Month and A New Motivation | Massachusetts Lifestyle Photographer

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