Starting Your First Batch of Sourdough Bread

Starting Your First Batch of Sourdough Bread

The world of sourdough can be intimidating to get into but the rewards far outweigh the cost! You can make lots of mistakes along the way and still end up with a delicious loaf of bread. Ask me how I know!

So why not start today? Once you have some sourdough starter, fresh bread will be available at your fingertips! I’ve got a video series on YouTube to help you if you’re feeling unsure on how to start the process.

A step by step video to help you start a loaf of sourdough bread!

Happy Baking!

How to Stretch & Fold Sourdough Bread

How to Stretch & Fold Sourdough Bread

What I Learned About Sourdough Starter

What I Learned About Sourdough Starter