—  C l a s s e s  —

In 2021 I began offering beginner photography classes to teach adults & teens how to use their digital cameras. The results have been so fun to be a part of My students inspire me every time I see them connect the dots and gain confidence with their digital photography!

All classes with me include:

  • Hands on exercises to help you master the skills

  • In-person training and real time troubleshooting your DSLR settings

  • Personal feedback on every photo that is submitted



Digital Photography Workshop

This is a one day class that will teach you the basics of taking photos with your digital camera. You will learn how to use manual mode on your camera, which DSLR settings you should know about, where certain controls can be found on your camera to change the settings, and you’ll have fun in the process!

The workshop fee includes in-person teaching with real time feedback, a printed PDF for you to refer back to all that we cover during class time, guided practice assignments, and a private Facebook group so you can receive continued feedback on your photos after the class!

Summer Photography Bootcamp

This is a great opportunity for teen and pre-teen girls (ages 12-18) to learn the skill of photography in a fun & safe environment. We will meet 1 day for a 4 hour walk to learn the basics of digital photography with a focus on composition. Girls can participate using a digital camera or a mobile device.

We will discuss different composition techniques, how to use the light in photos, discuss an overview of the exposure triangle, and talk briefly about editing pictures.




If you have a digital camera laying around and would like to learn how to use it confidently, please consider joining the next workshop session!